"Regarding the shipment which has been held, please find below approx. charges,
Clearance: £200.00
Airline Handling: £351.50
Storage: £33600.00, (this is up until today, each day it is an extra £300.00)
Duty:: £5338.78
VAT: £9965.72
Standing deposit: £3060.90
Total: £52516.90
We will require all the invoices on this shipment, please also note VAT and duty will change according to as and when all the correct invoices will be provided for all the shipments.
Please also note HMRC have seized the shipment at the moment, and in order to retrieve the shipment back we will have to appeal which can take up to 3 months min.
Please advise which way you would like us to proceed so we can act ASAP
Many Thanks and look forward to hearing from you soon”